Mari Marks

Milwaukee, WI. Willing to travel

  • Art › art gallery
  • Art › ceramics
  • Art › community
  • Art › conceptual
  • Art › drawing
  • Art › experimental
  • Art › fiber
  • Art › illustration
  • Art › installations
  • Art › painting
  • Art › printmaking
  • Art › public
  • Art › sculpture
  • Art Education › presentations
  • Art Education › skill lessons
  • Craft › pottery
  • Dance › performance
  • Film and Theater › acting
  • Writing › blogging

An artist who sets no media boundaries. Her intuitive and experimental process lends itself to creating abstract work, building relationships between bright color, unusual shapes and intense pattern.

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Show in August

July 23, 2016, 11:00 am

There is an awesome new coffee place / cafe in Minneapolis - Hub City Cafe! I will be showing some of my work there this August. The show will include both new and old work, and most of it will be for sale. Here are some snaps of a few pieces you can expect to see. 


Find Hub City Cafe here:

3338 University Ave SE Minneapolis, MN

Happy New Year, Mari! What's in store for 2017?
Posted By: carl
2849 days 6 hrs 19 mins 15 secs ago
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"UWM Students Connect With Older Adults Through Art"

July 10, 2016, 10:21 am

Check out this article for the University of WI Milwaukee's UWM Report on the Student Artist in Residence program and workshops I did!


Click this link:

It's great that you're doing things like this, Mari!
Posted By: carl
3014 days 6 hrs 36 mins 15 secs ago
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Final Coloring Book Workshops

May 28, 2016, 1:48 pm
Workshop at Kelly Senior Center
Workshop at Kelly Senior Center
Workshop at Kelly Senior Center
Workshop at Wilson Senior Center
Workshop at Wilson Senior Center
Workshop at Wilson Senior Center
Workshop at Wilson Senior Center
Workshop at Wilson Senior Center
Workshop at Kelly Senior Center
Workshop at Kelly Senior Center
My assistant Melissa and I with a copy of the finished Community Coloring Book

This month I finished my time as a Student Artist in Resident with UWM and Creative Trust. Melissa and I facilitated our final workshops and we now have the finished coloring book! It looks so great, I can't wait for the participants to see it and enjoy. 


Photo credit Katy DeZellar

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Community Coloring Book Workshop II

April 21, 2016, 12:30 am
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A New Painting 

April 21, 2016, 12:28 am

Finished this painting in approximately 10.5 hours. The shape is inspired by a necklace I have, the colors and orange pattern inspired by a piece of my clothing. 


Acrylic on Canvas

16 x 20

For sale

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Community Coloring Book Workshop

April 5, 2016, 12:28 pm
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Made at Splash Studio

April 5, 2016, 12:23 pm

Sometimes while working at Splash Studio I get to be on Mini Painting, which means when it's not too busy and there aren't any other tasks to do, you get to paint! Here are two pieces I've made while there. The first started with using the shape of an earring I was wearing that day. For the second painting, I kept part of the background of an old canvas and painted the white over it. The purple lines are inspired by the street lamps in downtown Milwaukee on Broadway St. 


Both pieces are for sale so come check them out if you're interested!

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Brew City Vistas at Splash Studio

April 1, 2016, 4:34 pm
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Inspiration from Egypt

February 2, 2016, 1:41 pm
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Artist Website

April 1, 2016, 4:35 pm

I've been working on getting a professional looking website, so I can be a "professional" type artist. Check it out! One more way to follow me and what's going on!

LiKE iT!
Posted By: carl
3196 days 4 hrs 15 secs ago
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Other places to find me

April 1, 2016, 4:35 pm

Looking to follow me and my work in more ways? Check these out:









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December 11, 2015, 2:30 pm

Figurative collages from 2013